Scifi City

Updates 5-21-2021

1. Added Post Processing, Bloom, Ambient Occlusion, etc.
2. Added music and engine sound effects
3. Added buildings to scale to music band frequency - Press M to turn on Music

Updates 5-7-2021

1. Added sky Day and Night cycle with Sun and Moon
2. Added vehicle smoke effects that change with controls
3. Added lights to streets and vehicles.  Will turn on and off street lights depending on the time of the day.
4. Fixed vehicle rotations when turning.

Known Bugs:
1. Sun will cast shadows and bleed through buildings from the opposite side of the world for some reason.
2. Vehicle acceleration still not quite work as expected.

Updates 4-23-2021

1. Cleaned up streets to make rooms for racing
2. Added Count down timer and rings for checkpoints
3. Modified control to make it easier to control


This comes from an low poly asset pack I found on the Asset store called Scifi City.  It comes with all the models and an example pre-built city built with no animations or scripts.   My goal for this project is to make the city comes alive into a playable game.

So far I have implemented the controls of the air vehicle and the ability to switch between different camera views using Cinemachine which I learned to use this week.  I have also implemented waypoints system for the NPC vehicles to go around randomly.  No gameplay yet.

Currently working on hiding some of the buildings, bridges, cables so that few tracks are visible for racing.  Also trying different ways of controlling the vehicle like using the mouse to fly.

Currently looking for a good way for the NPCs to smoothly move from one waypoint to another instead of direct cut method.  No NPC collision avoidance with vehicles and buildings yet.

I am planning for the following game plays.

1. Air racing around the city within certain timeframe with minimum damage.
2. Cops and Robbers chase (No line out of sight for X number of seconds)
3. Alien ship abducting civilians without being spotted

Animations, Sounds, Day Night cycle and the ability to drive vehicle both on land and in air will be added as time progress.

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